Here are some of my “listing tips”:
DE-CLUTTER – When encountering the, “over-stuffed” home, I feel it very important to be honest and making suggestions to get the home ready properly. One of my tactics is to encourage the client when they take the steps to throw out, clean out, and thin out, this helps them to be one step closer to moving. I suggest investing in large, clear, storage bins and begin packing up and either putting these containers in the garage or, moving them to a storage facility.
CLEAN – Suggesting a deep cleaning of the baseboards, AC vents, windows, blinds, wiping down cabinets, deep-clean carpets, grout, and floors is essential. These can be sensitive discussions so I always just keep it honest with the conversation focused on the fact that if they desire top dollar, it will be in their best interest to invest some time and money into spiffing up their home.
LANDSCAPE – This time of year when plants are not blooming, scraggly, and sparse, is actually a great time to thin them back, prune, and clean up the flower beds. Fresh mulch is a must! Sometimes, it is necessary to remove some shrubs that are encroaching sidewalks, and driveways or onto the eves of the home.
FURNITURE – More often than not, many homes have too much furniture or pieces that are massive causing rooms to look tight and much smaller. I explain in order to feature the home with the best photographs, many rooms need to have some of the furniture removed. Sell it or store it! Just get those rooms thinned out and they will feel so much better and create a better flow through the room.
PAINT – If you have a lot of color on the walls, or have many different colors in various rooms, it will be important to bring these rooms into balance. Bold colors used sparingly can create an excellent accent but, too much color on the walls will detract from the home itself. Choose a light, neutral color but avoid what I call, “builder beige“.
REPAIRS – If it appears to be broken or damaged, get it repaired before you put the home on the market. Again, if you want to make the most money from your sale, a home that has no glaring distractions and obvious-needed repairs will always fare much better than a home that shows a lot of wear and tear.
SMELLS – If the home has some unpleasant odors due to pets, old carpeting, cigarette smoke, cooking smells, etc., these must be addressed. Cats can be some of the worst offenders and a frank, honest discussion must occur. Cat boxes are just not a welcomed sight for most people. Have the carpet deep-cleaned. Use essential oils such as lemon, orange, pine, or other clean scents are best for neutralizing the air. Do NOT use plug-in types of room fresheners. They are toxic, too strong, and, can be offensive to a potential owner.
LIGHT – Remind the homeowner to open the shades, turn on the lights, and clean the windows. Allowing as much natural light into the home as possible is very important. A well-lit home will present itself much better than a dark, dimly-lit home.
Of course, there are many other tips and tricks to prepare your home to sell. Each home has its own personality, challenges, and unique features. Working with your real estate agent to assess what needs to be done to get the most money from your sale is very important. The time spent during this phase will pay off.
After going through the home and determining the most important areas of need, I like to get the calendar out with the clients and back into a “going live” listing date. Looking at their schedules, how much needs to be done, and, factoring in getting the housekeeper, photographer, getting repairs completed, etc. will help determine a realistic timeframe.
As my title says, a client who is anxious to get their home listed may just find they need to take a minute to get their home properly prepared. I have found spending this time early on during the initial listing appointment really is essential. The cute, little lake house I just sold received multiple offers and sold for the full, asking price. The client did everything I suggested and it paid off.
So, if you are ready to list, be prepared to do what it takes to get your home, “show ready“! Take it one room at a time, stay focused on the end result, and, remember what your goals are. Be realistic regarding the time needed to achieve the best results. When you get your home sold and are able to move forward with your next chapter, you will be glad you spent the time and effort you put forth.
Now, let’s get that house listed!